• February 15, 2017

Does the Successor Agency (SA) automatically receive Tax Increment (TI) revenue for a redevelopment project area?

Does the Successor Agency (SA) automatically receive Tax Increment (TI) revenue for a redevelopment project area?

Does the Successor Agency (SA) automatically receive Tax Increment (TI) revenue for a redevelopment project area? 150 150 Auditor-Controller

No. Tax Increment revenue is deposited into the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) throughout the year. Successor Agencies must request RPTTF funds on an itemized Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS). The California Department of Finance (DOF) will review and authorize RPTTF amounts to pay for individual items. RPTTF funds will be distributed twice a year to SAs based on the amount available in the RPTTF and authorized by the DOF.

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