Applying for a Job

Employment Application are accepted online. Click here to access the County of Los Angeles Application Website.

  • You can access the above link to search for open positions and create a user profile. Your profile will be retained in the County’s database and you may use the same profile to apply for several jobs that match your experience and education.
  • Once you submit an application, you will receive immediate email notification that your application has been received and additional emails throughout the process.
  • You may also access your profile through a mobile device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.). If you don’t have a computer or mobile device, you may visit one of the many locations where computers are available, including your local library.
  • You can also submit a Job Interest card to receive automated emails when positions open based on your desired job categories. To set up a Job Interest Card by Category:
    • Click here to access the Job Interest Card page
    • Select your desired categories
    • Click on SUBSCRIBE
    • Submit your Information

Filing an Application

  • Applications are accepted for County examinations only when the bulletin is posted, announcing that the examination is open.
  • Please follow the filing instructions as outlined on the job bulletin.
  • Examinations usually have deadline dates by which the application must be submitted. This means that the applications must be by the closing date, otherwise the application will be rejected as late.
  • Any false statements of material facts or omissions may subject the applicant to disqualification or dismissal.

Employment Information

Final appointment is contingent upon verification of U.S. citizenship or the right to work in the United States. Immigration law provides that all persons hired after November 6, 1986, are required to present original documents to the County, within three (3) business days of hiring, which show satisfactory proof of: 1) identity and 2) U.S. employment eligibility.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: All positions are open to qualified men and women. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons with disabilities who believe they need reasonable accommodation, or help in order to apply for a position, may contact the ADA coordinator at (213) 974-8513.

Contact the Coordinator of Personnel Services for Disabled Persons by calling (213) 974-8513. Hearing impaired applicants with telephone teletype equipment may leave messages by calling (213) 974-0911. The County will attempt to meet reasonable accommodation requests whenever possible.

Veteran's Preference Credit of 10 points will be added to the final passing grade in any open competitive examination if you are an honorably discharged veteran who served in the Armed Forces of the United States:

  • During a declared war; or
  • During the period April 28, 1952 through July 1, 1955; or
  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976; or
  • In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal or expeditionary medal has been authorized and awarded.

This also applies to the spouse of such person who, while engaged in such service was wounded, disabled or crippled and thereby permanently prevented from engaging in any remunerative occupation, and also to the widow or widower of any such person who died or was killed while in such service. A DD214, Certificate of Discharge or Separation from Active Duty, or other official documents issued by the branch of service are required as verification of eligibility for Veterans' preference. If you are unable to provide any documentation at the time of filing, the 10 points will be withheld until such time as it is provided.

Minimum Requirements for Child Support Information

In an effort to improve compliance with court-ordered child, family and spousal support obligations, certain employment and identification information (i.e., name, address, Social Security number and date of hire) is regularly reported to the State Directory of New Hires which may assist in locating persons who owe these obligations. Family Code Section 17512 permits under certain circumstances for additional employment and identifying information to be requested. Applicants will not be disqualified from employment based on this information.

Section 419 (c) of Public Law 108-203, the Social Security Protection Act of 2004, requires State and local government employers to disclose the effect of the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset Provision to employees hired on or after January 1, 2005, in jobs not covered by Social Security. The County of Los Angeles does not participate in the Social Security System. All newly hired County of Los Angeles employees must sign a statement (Form SSA-1945) prior to the start of employment indicating that they are aware of a possible reduction in their future Social Security benefit entitlement. For more information on Social Security and about each provision, you may visit the website, or call toll free 1-800-772-1213. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may call the TTY number 1-800-325-0778 or contact a local Social Security office.

Livescan (Fingerprinting)

In 1998, the Board of Supervisors (BoS) gave the Department of Auditor-Controller (A-C) the authority to access criminal offender record information - for employment purposes only - through the Department of Justice (DOJ). We were subsequently certified by the DOJ as authorized to receive "subsequent arrest notification" for ongoing employment purposes.

Also in 1998, the BoS issued a directive that persons hired into designated "sensitive" positions undergo a background check via the Livescan fingerprint process. In 1999, the A-C designated that all of its positions are sensitive due to the nature of the work we perform. Accordingly, all New Hires and Transfers into our department are subject to this process.

It is the policy of the County of Los Angeles to provide equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

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