Photo of Greg Hellmold

Greg Hellmold

Office of County Investigations

Greg Hellmold is Division Chief of the Auditor-Controller’s (A-C) Office of County Investigations (OCI), where he leads the Division’s 30 law enforcement professionals and support staff. OCI administers the County Fraud Hotline, and conducts criminal and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse within County government. OCI operates a computer forensics laboratory and participates on the County’s Information Security Committee. OCI also houses the Ombuds for Youth in Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTPs), which provides an informal and confidential process for Department of Children and Family Services youth in congregate care to resolve concerns and problems.

Greg began his County Career in 1995 as an auditor with the Municipal and Superior Courts, before taking on progressively responsible roles in the A-C’s Audit, Countywide Contract Monitoring, and OCI Divisions. Greg has led hundreds of audits, investigations, and special studies of organizations of varying size and complexity, and developed countless recommendations used to improve many different operational areas throughout County government. Greg’s distinguished record has made him a trusted advisor to public officials throughout the County. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Greg holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with a major in Accounting, from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona.

Office of County Investigations (OCI)

OCI operates the County Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline (Hotline) pursuant to Government Code Section (§) 53087.6 and conducts criminal and administrative investigations into allegations received via the Hotline pursuant to Penal Code (PC)
§ 830.13 and Board Policy 9.040. This includes the authority to access criminal history records and execute search warrants. All OCI investigators must complete a series of trainings, which includes Peace Officers Standards and Training level III certification.

OCI is comprised of investigators with fiscal, technology, and/or human resources backgrounds. OCI investigators are "fact gatherers" who utilize financial tools, interview techniques, monitoring, and computer forensics, to effectively investigate alleged misconduct. OCI investigators issue reports of facts that are used in administrative proceedings (e.g., employee discipline, vendor debarment, civil recoveries) and/or criminal proceedings (i.e., criminal prosecution). OCI Investigators also testify in various legal proceedings.

OCI is responsible for the Ombuds for Youth in STRTPs program. The Ombudsperson serves as a personal rights advocate, providing a confidential and informal process to resolve concerns that arise for children placed in group homes. OCI maintains informal and confidential process to help youth resolve concerns while in group placement via a toll-free hotline for outreach and liaison activities with STRTPs and non-contract group homes. Generally, youth in STRTPs and non-contract group homes turn to the Ombuds for Youth STRTPs when other avenues of problem resolution have not been effective. The Ombudsperson also ensures compliance with established care, treatment, and programming standards for group home youth through a risk-based program of group home site visits.

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