• February 15, 2017

What if I purchase a piece of property and then sell it again after a few months, what do I do regarding the property tax bill?

What if I purchase a piece of property and then sell it again after a few months, what do I do regarding the property tax bill?

What if I purchase a piece of property and then sell it again after a few months, what do I do regarding the property tax bill? 150 150 Auditor-Controller

If you purchase and then sell property within a short period, the supplemental tax bill you receive should cover only those months during which you owned the property and the new owner should receive a separate supplemental tax bill. Because of the number of properties changing hands each year, there may be delays in placing new assessments on the tax roll. Be sure to check the dates used to prorate the bill to ensure the period covered is the period during which you actually owned the property.

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