• February 15, 2017

What does my property taxes [and direct assessments] consist of and where do they go?

What does my property taxes [and direct assessments] consist of and where do they go?

What does my property taxes [and direct assessments] consist of and where do they go? 150 150 Auditor-Controller

Your property tax bill is comprised of taxes, debt service, and direct assessments. Taxes consist of a 1% rate + voter approved debt. Direct assessments are benefit assessments that are property specific such as refuse collection, landscape maintenance, etc.

Taxes and assessments are specifically identified on your tax bill and distributed as stated on your bill, except for the 1% general levy (which was established with Proposition 13). The general levy of 1% is distributed among many agencies within the County on a countywide basis; and its distribution changes each year based on the increases or decreases in assessed value.

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